
- Lymphatic Filariasis
- Hookworm
- Trichuriasis (Whipworm)
- Ascariasis (Roundworm)
Guyanese are at risk of lymphatic filariasis
children are at risk for soil-transmitted helminth infection
Guyana is one of only four countries in the Americas where lymphatic filariasis is still present.
Mapping initiatives found lymphatic filariasis was prevalent in six of Guyana’s ten regions, with small pockets of disease found in two others. Initial control efforts distributed antifilarial drugs, successfully reducing disease prevalence to below one percent in two regions. Now, the Guyanese Ministry of Health and the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) are working to expand a fourth phase of mass drug administration to achieve similar success in the capital region of Guyana.
Your donation's
In 2016, END7 donated more than $40,000 to support lymphatic filariasis and soil-transmitted helminth treatment programs in the capital region of Guyana. END7 funds will help the Guyanese Ministry of Health achieve full treatment coverage across the region to interrupt lymphatic filariasis and soil-transmitted helminth transmission and continue surveillance efforts to ensure they do not return. The national Ministry of Health will direct efforts and the local government will manage, finance and provide health services.
PAHO is working with the Guyanese Ministry of Health to provide expertise to guide control efforts and is helping strengthen capacities to implement this program. Sabin Foundation Europe, a sister organization of the Sabin Vaccine Institute – home of the END7 campaign – has provided financial support for this project.
work continues
Past attempts to interrupt lymphatic filariasis transmission in Guyana have led to the successful reduction of prevalence to less than one percent in several regions of the country. With END7’s help, the Guyanese Ministry of Health and PAHO are working to stop lymphatic filariasis in Guyana for good. Through successful implementation of this program, this project hopes to reach all Guyanese in the capital region suffering from lymphatic filariasis and reduce disability and stigma due to this disfiguring disease.
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Key Interventions
in Guyana
Getting the Word Out
so everyone takes the medicine
Mass Drug Administration
to treat entire communities